READ THIS! please :)
Hi everyone!
So on my last blog post I mentioned I was going to keep writing here on TSR but because of the restrictions, my Wicked stories couldn't be as "adult content" as I wanted them to be. I'm going to be rewriting The Wicked Entice and placing it over on Wattpad. It will be under Tessa Crane so follow me over there or whatever. I'm not even sure how that works. Stupid me, haven't made an account over there, but yeah. Tessa Crane. Anyway, it will be a whole new story, same characters but with whole new backgrounds. There's so much I had originally planned on putting in the story that wasn't allowed here, so I'm really excited to write it how it was meant to be written. Like I said, the same characters we all know and love (except for you Maia, jk she's showing up again) are going to reappear, except for Maurice who is getting a gender reassignment and will now be a bad a.s.s. vampire lady. There's a few changes here and there, okay...a lot of changes so it will basicaly be a whole new story. That's awesome though isn't it? I'm so excited to start but in the mean time, like I said on TWE epilogue, I'm going to be doing a story called Witch, Please here on TSR. It'll have Ezra as the "hero" of the story, as well as other familiar characters making appereances but for the most part it's about a female witch and the shenanigans she's getting herself into being the only female witch in Moonlight Falls, thus being engaged since birth to a witch who's in love with someone else...I'm doing a horrible job of hyping this shizzle out so please just give it a chance. If I can ask you all for a favor, please send me a private message and let me know what you did or didn't like about the Wicked stories. Is there anything you would have wanted to be added, or removed? Whatever you can think of, please let me know :) as always, thanks for reading and for those of you who have stuck with me through all my stories...a big internet hug, and a big thank you. I wish I could send you all a box of kittens or pizza to show how appreciative I am, but a huge thank you will have to do for now. (I'm keeping the kittens and pizza.)
XOXO Alessa